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ATO data regarding Super
Guarantee non-compliance

In addition to marketing and education activities to
re-enforce the need for employers to meet their SG
obligations, the ATO conducts audits and reviews
to ascertain SG non-compliance, with 70% of cases stemming from employee notifications (the remaining 30% of cases are actioned from ATO-initiated strategies).

On average, the ATO receives reports from employees which relate to approximately 15,000 employers each year, although the ATO finds that nearly 30% of these employers have in fact paid the required SG to their employee.

However, an SG shortfall is identified in the remaining 10,000 cases (this represents approximately 1% of the estimated 880,000 employers who make SG payments).

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FBT Car on CalculatorFringe Benefit Tax (FBT) year is coming to an end, are you ready?

The FBT year end is fast approaching and set to close on the 31 March 2017.  FBT applies to non-cash benefits provided to an employee (or associate of the employee) in respect of employment.

This tax which is often overlooked is levied on the employer and catches many small business owners who legally employee themselves through a trading structure.

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Uber Driver

Ride Sourcing Data Matching Program

The Ride Sourcing data matching program has been developed to address the compliance risk of the registration, lodgement and reporting of businesses offering ride sourcing services as a driver.

It is estimated that up to 74,000 individuals ('ride sourcing drivers') offer, or have offered, this service. 

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Deductability on Website

Deductibility of expenditure on a commercial website

The ATO has released a public taxation ruling covering the ATO’s views on the deductibility of expenditure incurred in acquiring, developing, maintaining or modifying a website for use in the carrying on of a business.

Importantly, if the expenditure is incurred in maintaining a website, it would be considered 'revenue' in nature, and therefore generally deductible upfront. 

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